#11 - Goodbye 2020, You Will Not Be Missed
I figured since this is posting on the last day of this hellish year, I would spend some time writing about my hopes and plans for the next year. I started this blog in October as a way to keep myself accountable to my historical research projects. I wanted a deadline, nothing too rigorous, but something to try to achieve every week. So far so good! But in 2021, I want to commit to more. I want to really dig into the Ryves Holt House and the history of Lewes. Pandemic willing, I'll even get into some archives next year. I also want to share my work on some old family letters and previous projects. If I get really ambitious, I might start posting twice a week, incorporating commentary on contemporary historical issues and other random things. For instance, I may very well post about nitrate photographic film! Or heavy metal music! That's right, kids, I'm not just a history and architecture nerd. I'm an equal opportunity nerd.

I am also hoping that I can use this space to talk about 'doing history.' I would like to look at and reflect on why doing history is important, what sort of things historical research can show you, and who is doing cool stuff in the field. 2020 has reminded me how much I love history and architecture. I may not be able to do much of either for employment right now, but that doesn't mean I can't do history and architecture in my off hours. In fact, perhaps by making this blog my side gig of sorts, I can help others become inspired to start doing history whenever, wherever, and however they can.
Dispelling the mysticism that surrounds history and the doing of the thing is important to me. I don't think our past should be something kept behind closed, gilded doors. It also isn't something to be held on a pedestal. History is full of mysteries, new stories, and different perspectives. It's available to everyone and surrounds us everyday. But the doing of it has become opaque and out of reach. It doesn't have to be that way. Maybe, dear reader, I can show you how.
Short and sweet to end the year, but stayed tuned. I've got plans.
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